Friday, May 15, 2009


It was actually from a bestselling novel of the same name. Its a mystery-thriller novel that was later on adapted as a film. Dan Brown really put another 'christian catholic' thingy related novel. Like his other novels especially 'The da vinci Code' (w/c really shocked the world) it is full of mysteries about time itself and other bible things.

I'm a fan of mystery-mind bugging movies but admit it most of them are boring with no sense of humor but some tried to put humor on but the funny thing is the scene they are trying to show as funny is so corny that it becomes hilarious. Get the point.? LOL
The movie is quite not as fascinating as the da vinci code.

Well Dan Brown is a master of surprises but his just an apprentice to Stephen king who really shocks me with his novels (especially 'THE MIST'). The movie is quite choppy in terms of the line-up of events but it will sure put you on edge!

Well this is how the story goes.


Symbologists Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) returns in solving questions that again can shake a vital foundation on the world. He groups with an italian scientist Vittoria Vetri (Ayelet Zurer) in solving another mystery involving a secret group called 'Illuminati' whos planning to use the 'antimatter' that will destroy Vatican City. Going into the most secretive facilities never know to man. Chambers that are unkown to all. And a plot of overthrowing (just like STAR WARS). And speaking of star wars obi-wan-kenobi is in this film too (Ewan Mcgregor) as a guy who does something on the film. LOL!

And hey in this film the 'POPE' died. Waaa. Yeah a total waaa. They never knew that the person they trusted is the very persone who has a dirty little scheme hiding on his sleeves. LONG SLEEVES. Duhh!

Oh well. The movie is showing now on theaters. Coz' its May 15 now. LOL!

I rate this 7.6/10

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